By matching suitable food crops with the local climate patterns and soil conditions, farmers can maximize their seasonal returns. That’s what we call climate-smart farming!
Welcome to FocusWise
About Us
Our projects are focused on improving food security and the economic empowerment of vulnerable communities in East Africa.

FocusWise Awarded Comic Relief Legacy Fund Grant to Fight Rural Hunger
FocusWise is thrilled to announce being awarded the prestigious Comic Relief Legacy Fund grant in recognition of their ongoing efforts to combat hunger and poverty in rural Kenya. This grant will be instrumental in significantly expanding our impact on vulnerable communities.
The funding will directly support FocusWise’s mission to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1 and 2: eliminating extreme poverty and hunger. By promoting climate-smart farming, we empower farmers and enhance food security in the region.

Millet Power
Our program supports millet cultivation with improved seed distribution, educational workshops, and a guaranteed market through our processing facility. Millet’s drought tolerance makes it a perfect choice for vulnerable communities.

Iron Bean Boost
This program promotes high-iron bean varieties, a powerful weapon against iron deficiency. We distribute improved seeds, offer training on cultivation practices, and link farmers to the markets.
Our Core Values
Our organizational values and aspirations underpin every aspect of our work, ensuring that we approach developmental challenges facing vulnerable communities in Kenya with commitment, fairness, flexibility and above all with integrity. In living true to our Vision and Mission, we are guided by the following four practical values:

We remain committed to our Vision, Mission, and our partners and to the process of empowering marginalized communities to live better their lives. We will strive to deliver change and transformation at all levels of society.
We believe that all human beings are equal under the law and deserve the opportunity to live a productive life and to feel safe and secure; and to participate in the life of the nation.

We are flexible in the way we work- applying our methods, tools and approaches as the context demands and adapting to the changing demands and needs of our partners.
We will ensure that our work is of the highest standard, and that we behave ethically at all times. We will utilize the resources entrusted to us responsibly and efficiently. We will remain accountable to our partners, communities and benefactors.

Help us fight hunger and extreme poverty.
Our promise is to remain accountable for the resources entrusted to us, working with national governments, county governments and communities to achieve sustainable development in Kenya and East Africa.
If you would like to find out more about our programs or explore potential partnership, kindly do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Please use the contact form to connect with us or email us directly via
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